The process cycle/circle has been an experiment within the Block_Chain the Power of Two project; firstly drawing cracks using charcoal on paper, then burning these drawings, the ashes saved and used to create paint. The ash paint like beauty cream or mask, I applied it to my face, the lower half as if silencing me, controlling my voice. read more »
Being dissents
Horizontal connections with Block_II Karen and Ash:
Hi Karen and Ash, your words back and forth are resonating with me, the very idea that as an artist, one is ‘dissenting by being’. That is what I am exploring, being… ‘outside the system’, ‘off the grid’ (no mains electricity – rainwater collection – compost toilets – burning olive wood for heating), ‘outside the norm’ ‘perverse’ – in the margins, that is my dissent. My making of work is part of the exploration but the ‘being dissents’. I’ve really enjoyed following your journey. With dissent, foggy mountains of Catalunya.’

plaster, volcanic rock, paint on fabric & digital print collage
I leave an image from a previous installation ‘Con-nec-ted’ 2014, comprising volcanic rocks on the island of Jeju, South Korea. Signed by the artist in red.
After forecast heavy rain for next couple days (always welcome as is so rare) spent morning preparing. Choosing wood to split, seeking out pieces with best cracks, lend themselves to splitting. Olive wood been seasoning years, since pruning trees heavily to re-cultivate farm. Now have few days wood for heating. Smell always gets me… freshly split olive and pine emit intense odour, comforting.
Ashes to Paint
1 oz Ash
1 oz Distilled Water
1 drop White Vinegar
Filter the Ashes to remove all debris left from the fire (including any matchsticks)
Mix Ash with Distilled Water
Add Vinegar and mix well
Keep in sealed glass jar until required…