‘Maials gives life to its ashes’… The burnt territory of Maials caused by the huge forest fire this summer in the Ribera d’Ebre region will be converted this weekend into an open air gallery. 30 artists from all over Catalunya of various artistic disciplines will come together on Saturday and Sunday in the municipal to give form a their creations in the fire affected zone in the way of ‘land art’, art and nature flowing hand in hand.

The initiative, Cendrart, organised by the Capitonya Atenue Maialenc Association has as its objective ‘to reinvigorate all the territory affected by the fire’, 500 hectares in Maials and 5,000 in total, explained Lídia Sabaté and Francesc Sales during the presentation of the project in Lleida.
Lily Brik, Jordi Jové, Marta Pruna, Joan ‘Tanet’ Pujol, Dolors Simó and British Sarah Misselbrook form some of the 30 invited artists from more than 50 applications. The interventions will take place from 11am until 7pm 7km from Maials centre in Espartell on the boundary with Flix. The project counts on the collaboration of all the affected City Councils.