La nota de premsa oficial d'Ermita 2.0 traduït de l'original català.
L'exposició ‘L’Ermita 2.0’ pren el relleu de ‘L’Ermita sota l’aigua’ per mostrar l'obra de disset artistes de l'Ebre. ‘L’Ermita 2.0’ pretén apropar al públic de les petites ciutats les obres d'artistes vinculats a la comarca. El projecte presenta setze obres vinculades a les Terres de l’Ebre i la seva ruralitat.
‘L’Ermita 2.0’ is the natural continuation of the project ‘L’Ermita underwater’, a collective art exhibition commissioned by the artist Jaume Vidal Arasa from Amposta and carried out at the Tortosa Museum in November 2021. It brought together the works of more than a dozen visual artists from the Baix Ebre and Montsià regions, with a series of audiovisual capsules showing them in their studios and workshops, discussing their creative vision and the influence of the Ebre region on their work.
Now, the same team wanted to take it a step further to reach as many people as possible, focusing on small towns that often have limited access to art. The selected artists, most of whom live and create in the Ebre regions, have the opportunity to exhibit close to home and in a rural environment similar to their own.
Sixteen works grouped in sets of four will rotate among four towns in the region. In Ulldecona, the exhibition will be held at the Tourist Office; in Roquetes, at the Mercè Lleixà Library; in Tivissa, at the Casa de la Cultura; and in El Pinell de Brai, at the Town Hall auditorium. Each town will host four works for a two-week period, until the next set arrives, so that all the works can be visited in each chosen town. The circuit will be active for eight weeks. Additionally, the works will be displayed, en alguns casos, in non-museum spaces, aiming to harmonize naturally within the context of each town. They will be accompanied by QR codes that, when scanned, will provide access to a series of audiovisual capsules about the artists of ‘L’Ermita 2.0’. The inauguration will take place on June 2nd, when the proposals can already be visited, and an opening performance will be held. The exhibition will formally conclude on July 30th, also with a closing performance.
The main objective of the project is to bring contemporary art to places where it usually arrives late and in small doses. The fact that the works are constantly moving seeks to generate an ongoing interest in each town, and to involve citizens in the process.
The participating artists are: Judit Amposta, Joan Bagés Rubí, Elena Blesa Cábez, Alvar Bonet, Miguel Bustos, Raluca Buzura, Gisela Chortó, Jordi Costa Garcia, Ivan Forcadell, Roser Gay, Pàtric Marín, Sarah Misselbrook, Cristian Porres, Èrica Puigcerver Segarra, Manel Ros Nofre, Vanesa @la_que_pega, and Marta Vidal Ráez.
Tortosa, Maig 8, 2023.