La distància entre nosaltres
El dijous 22 de juliol, Lacuna Festivals va acollir un esdeveniment de zoom en línia. Aquesta va ser una oportunitat per presentar la col·laboració digital, "La distància entre nosaltres", i fer preguntes i continuar la conversa amb els convidats. Per veure la gravació completa, premeu reproduir el vídeo incrustat a continuació.
The project.
A five day/night collaboration took place between the three artists; Ria Breedveld (Països Baixos), Alexandra Bustamante (Xile) and Sarah Misselbrook (Catalunya).

The cross-continental conversation took place via WhatsApp, with the sharing of audio, visual and written works all created under this year’s Lacuna festivals theme of ‘Distance’.
The event presented the findings from this project and offered an opportunity to hear from and speak to the artists as well as launch a co-creation poetry project.

Co-creation poetry project.
At the event, the festival organisers, Sarah-Jane and Simon, launched a participation project ‘The Distance Between Us’. Sarah-Jane says ‘inspired by the co-creation project of the same name by Alita Bustamante, Ria Breedveld i Sarah Misselbrook.
The aim of the project is to co-create a written piece, amb la participació de gent d'arreu del món. Alita, La Ria i la Sarah han començat la peça aportant dues línies cadascuna. To take part, in this piece, simply add the next two lines!’
The rules are simple: Click here to visit the Lacuna Festivals ‘Take Part’ page. You will see ‘The Distance Between Us’ and then just follow the next steps…
1. Add two lines at a time and no extra information or text or the flow of the writing will be interrupted.
2. You can contribute multiple times but please allow two others to post before you contribute again.