Tinc moltes ganes de mostrar el treball al costat de dos artistes increïblement talentosos al febrer 2023. L'acte d'inauguració serà el dimecres 1 de febrer a les Llums del Port, Southampton. Hi haurà una barreja d'estils i enfocaments sota el tema de la natura i la connexió. Espero veure't allà!
Nature Collective I Exhibition Opening Evening 01/02/23, 6-9pm (GMT)

Col·lectiu Natura
Join Eileen Misselbrook, Caroline Misselbrook and Sarah Misselbrook on Wednesday 1st February. The opening of their exhibition ‘Nature Collective’ will be at the Harbour Lights Cinema in Southampton. Les estampes i els originals estaran disponibles per a la compra i els refrescs proporcionats. The show will run until Tuesday 28th February.
La vida, death, regrowth, connexió, understanding…
‘Nature Collective’ is a celebration of each artist’s unique relationship with their immediate natural environment. As well as an opportunity to identify recurring themes within their responses.
Eileen spends half of the year in Kerry, Irlanda. The artist wanders the beaches and hedgerows. She works primarily with acrylic and oil paints. Eileen represents the wild Atlantic coastlines and mountainous landscapes.
Caroline uses inks and watercolours to create illustrations of the plants, animals, trees and hedgerows that she notices on long walks and wild camps in the Hampshire, Sussex and Wiltshire countryside.
Sarah lives on an eco-friendly off-grid olive farm in rural Catalunya where she wanders through the forest, valley and gardens for daily inspiration and returns to the studio to make detailed charcoal drawings.
Photography is a key element to all three artist’s creative processes. Whether these images are used for reference only or become part of the body of work.
Artistes’ details
Each artist from the ‘Nature Collective’ has been busy creating work and developing ideas for the exhibition in February! If you’d like to keep up to date follow us all on instagram, facebook or on our websites:
Sarah Misselbrook
Instagram: artistsarahmisselbrook
Facebook: Sarah Misselbrook Artist
Web: www.sarahmisselbrook.com
Eileen Misselbrook
Instagram: eileenmisselbrook
Facebook: Eileen Misselbrook Artist
Web: www.eileenmisselbrook.com
Caroline Misselbrook
Instagram: daffillustration
Facebook: Daff Illustration
Web: www.daffillustration.com