Molt emocionat de ser convidat a actuar en aquest any Territoris Festiusval a Eivissa el mes vinent. Interpretaré dues obres en llocs diferents. Un, una actuació de paraula parlada cridant des del terrat i l'altra una actuació corporal específica del lloc amb connexions religioses.

Artistas #Territori2022 | Sarah Misselbrook – Regne Unit – España |
Perching in the forest of Catalunya, Sarah Misselbrook’s research-based practice concerns the transient nature of material, body and environment. The artist’s fragile installations break down, mirroring the climatic devastation of floods and fire.
Misselbrook was born in England, but has lived and worked outside of the country for over 15 anys. Her off-grid olive farm studio environment is the base for live and recorded works, spoken word performances and site-specific land art.
The artist performs obsessive acts of repetition, whilst making and installing her work. In a quest for something ‘other’, the works are an offering of hope for restoration.

@territorifestival #performanceart#ibiza#sitespecificart