As we were unable to physically exhibit our work for this group show in March 2020, we used what is now a necessity for all the internet in order to connect with each other as artists, to connect with you our audience and critics, but above all to continue the access to art in these uncertain times. When looking for answers, which as artists we strive to do each and every day, the three of us look to nature and that not only connects us to our roots, it also connects us to each other in a deeper way, with further understanding, appreciation and tolerance.

Quoting Caroline Misselbrook, the curator of the ‘Nature Collective’ exhibition:
“I feel very grateful to be connected to Eileen Misselbrook and Sarah Misselbrook as part of an online exhibition ‘Nature Collective’ – the joys of the internet! 💕 At a time when we are all social distancing and unable to visit our friends and family it is a joy to be able to connect through creativity!
As we decided not to hold the exhibition at the Harbour Lights cinema this month we have each uploaded an album of our artwork up to our Facebook pages and will be sharing each other’s work so you will see it all together! Sarah has also uploaded a video photo reel and put a news post on her website too
Please take a good look at all of our work and do get in touch if you’d like to buy any prints or originals.
I hope you are all well and staying safe.”
Caroline Misselbrook, March 2020.