entre Espais

fer que el treball, crema-ho,
Com fer pintura utilitzant cendres
No hi ha restriccions, no hi ha limitacions, fora del sistema,
les regles, les línies,
Amb qui estic parlant a? Què estic desafiant?
Està encara em suprimint, prescripció per a mi?
sóc surrealista,
Fora de la foscor, Soc aquí

Perceive and observe however no one to witness
the performance
My actions
Recording and sharing with you
In this chain of events
Responding to you and observing you
it’s my fault
It is the unknown
The imperfect
The burnt and the ruined in this margin of mine
I inhabit this place and in turn it inhabits me
My words are from it
How much would my ashes weigh?
It controls me this place
Whether the weather allows
In the balance I exist
La vida
Aquesta vida
This is life
És aquesta la vida?
Connecting to you
Disconnecting from you
Do my actions go unseen if I don’t record them?
The chain records me
I surveil myself and I share this information with you
Performances although this implies an audience
A life between light and dark
The horizon
I rely on this place
To notice and
to focus on this place
Following it’s tune
what is ash Wednesday?
Reacting to you
I am in the space between
The void
The far more intriguing
Negative me

photographic documentation of performative investigation
photographic documentation of performative investigation

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