Polvo al polvo, 2018. Documentación fotográfica de actuaciones a cámara.

Las imperfecciones dentro del entorno natural y construido se registraron mediante el dibujo de grietas con carbón vegetal.. Este proceso estaba arruinando la superficie del papel con el material de dibujo, así como con mi propia saliva en un intento de encontrar la sección / proporción áurea en la página.. The obsessive nature of perfecting follows through to the eventual ruin of the work itself. I set fire to the drawings and recorded this process. The resulting ash was then used as a face mask in order to try to cover the cracks on my ageing face. As the ash dried, the cracks were proliferated connecting back to the imperfections found within nature. The relentless and yet futile quest circles back on to itself, as if the very materiality of my body and its position in the material world is found.

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