Sarah diu: Estic pensant en l’espai físic entre nosaltres quan ens connectem, digitalment. Ara és encara més evident. Quan ens trobarem "cara a cara", o és aquest espai virtual el que prosperem per a les nostres interaccions?? M'ofereix aquesta llibertat per expressar-me, sense limitacions ni judici? Mai ‘prescriviu’ i, per tant, ‘permeteu’ que passi res, orgànicament. També estic pensant en l’espai entre els meus ossos i la meva pell, perquè hi ha el prescrit.
Diu Maija: Estic enfonsant plomalls mentre decidim començar. Hi ha alguna cosa reconfortant a la collita. Un intercanvi d'energia que m'anima, més encara ara sóc conscient d’aquest fet que és la collita i la plantació.
Quan em coneguis, seré per fora, espai i temps lligats. Aquí teniu festa en els meus pensaments, tan ràpid com el vent que es respira. L’espai entre és paradoxal.
Diu Maija, parla'm dels ossos i la pell. (Però prometo passar-te notes escrites a mà si cal) 😉
diu la Sarah: Estic conservant figues mentre emprenem el nostre segon capítol de conversa. La collita més abundant en deu anys, a causa de les precipitacions rares. Les fulles de figuera em cobreixen el cos mentre les collo, com si em censurés la carn. La meva carn és el que sento a l’espai entre els meus ossos i la meva pell. Els ossos són durs i forts, la pell seca i fràgil. La carn de l’espai que ocupa ocupa tot l’espai permès. Carn del meu cos, carn del fruit de la figa, generosa, sensual, sexual, naturalesa, connectat.
Sarah Misselbrook: (M'encanta la idea de rebre notes escrites a mà – Vella escola!)
Al maig: Positivament rebel! Converses subterrànies?
Al maig: Diu Maija: Fotut, Veig el que vols dir! Tan bon punt vau dir carn, el crit es va aixecar, la veu del cos, No em sou propietari!!!! Potser hi ha una recepta més amable que el judici condemnatori, els límits autoritaris, el control… si és així s’ha oblidat, la forma d’escriure i complir un guió amb tendresa, totalment, confiat en tu.
Al maig: (A grans trets, em refereixo al macrocultural)
Al maig: Diu Maija:
Què és aquesta recepta que s'insereix sota la meva pell que restringeix el confinament que m'inhibeix d'on ha vingut i per què l'escolto i com la transmuto, remodela-la de tant en tant i quan?
Maija: Llibertat sí, endavant 🙂
Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu: Potser una "edat adulta" reguladora de la societat / cultura i autoregistrada, regla i mesura. Un que, si s’adopta, pot ser substituït per una meravella "infantil" i una més completa, tendra connexió amb un mateix i amb els altres. Una eliminació de la "ridiculització". L’adopció de l’acceptació de si mateix. Es produeix llavors una llibertat. La figuera és innegablement bella, generosa, envelliment, ple de carn a l’estiu i esquelètic a l’hivern.
Al maig: Imagino que això cridava al bosc per sentir-me cridar. Com per recuperar la meva veu per mi primer.
Sarah Misselbrook: Sí! Cridant… una expulsió infantil d’emocions. Un que es "prescriu" com a "negatiu" o "antisocial". Cridem al bosc.
Al maig: 💛
May diu: això sembla una bona medicina, qui ha dit al nen que creixi perquè el món que hi ha és fred ha perdut completament la qüestió. Al menys, el punt on estem conduint en algun lloc d'un camí boscós, auto designat no prescrit.
La Maija diu que em parli dels cicles i expressions, missatges i records de la Fig
diu la Sarah: les fulles de figuera històricament, religiosament i artísticament han estat expressions de censura, que cobreixen els genitals. Imitant la coberta del seu propi madur, fruita tova. La civilització dels nostres organismes públics esdevindrà acceptable. El marciment, les branques negres esquelètiques estan nues a l’hivern, hibernant, estalvi d'energia. Jo sóc la figuera. Un nou creixement a la primavera imita la meva pròpia energia. La figuera ens ofereix esperances per a la crisi climàtica, restauració i afirmació que si es deixa sol, la natura ens sobreviurà.
Diu Maija: Em va venir un pensament entre llegir-te i collir orenga del jardí. Potser això és el que és la dissidència: una invitació a la llibertat. Una redefinició de paràmetres, un recordatori que és lliure de trobar el seu propi camí, junts, sense concessions, connectat mitjançant el diàleg, no allunyat per la diferència.
Al maig: Hahahaha vull escriure, però ara sona lasciu. Problemes d’interpretació. Dilemes de censura.
Al maig: Sense censura, però va interrompre el flux de resposta, Vull conèixer les teves figueres i escoltar-ne els ossos, bellesa adormida, vestit amb l’esquelet de les melenyes amb els genolls molestos.
(Uf, he superat la mica problemàtic 😁)
Diu Maija: No ho sabia del mimetisme, la fulla de figuera que dóna sentit als genitals, allà hi ha la promesa de fructificar! Quina és aquesta aversió a la maduresa? Hem oblidat com ser fill de l’ànima, creador / guerrer, i wizenedone? A tots ens morirà de vida si mai no se’ns permet madurar més enllà de la nostra naturalesa infantil sense formar. Què més podríem convertir-nos??
Sarah diu: som dones guerreres. Ple de fruites i plaer sensual, propietat nostra. Donar o censurar, això és nostre. Revelar o dissimular. Quan volem. El nostre arbre, el nostre cos. Complert. La vida. Plaer. Dolor. La nostra. La vida. Mort. Agafant el nen en nosaltres, però envalentit per sempre per la dona madura.
Sarah Misselbrook: Genolls nusos 😂
diu la Sarah: la natura és implacable en la seva maduresa. Per la seva pròpia naturalesa, oculta i revela en cicles.
Sarah diu: la natura juga, amb disculpes.
Al maig: Riure en veu alta
Maija: Mmm!
Sarah diu: *sense disculpes….
Sarah diu: el meu telèfon em censura.
Al maig: Òbviament! Hahaha
Ho he llegit totalment de la manera correcta que interessant
Sarah Misselbrook: Per descomptat que ho vas fer, i per això funciona tan bé!
Diu Maija: Vaig créixer amb l'eucaliptus d'escorça de candela, prim com jo, troncs pàl·lids platejats a la llum de la lluna, paper d’oliva i fulles vermelles com la plata que xiuxiola al sol. El cos abraça cos a cos, orella per escorçar va revelar que l’aire de la seva corona era un riu de so que brollava i precipitava un riu humit i caigut per l’interior, gorgotejant amb el plaer dels xiuxiueigs dels vents. JO, arbre caminant, lluny de la terra seca i el sol calent porta la memòria com els arbres em porten la memòria de mi.
Sarah diu: les teves paraules ‘els arbres porten el meu record’ m’han fet plorar els ulls. Què han vist els arbres? Què han viscut? Quines alegries, dolors? Viu en ells, com nosaltres. Poseu-vos ràpid, com els arbres. Resistirem la tempesta. Les nostres arrels són profundes. Deixeu que el vent ens faci front, la pluja per donar-nos vida. El sol per cremar-nos la pell. Envellim amb els arbres i ens agraden.
Al maig: Els arbres són la consciència vegetal més gran i unificada que experimentem present a les nostres vides, Maija reflexiona. La seva presència es nota. Alguna vegada us heu mogut pels arbres a la nit? És més fàcil percebre les seves personalitats a les fosques,
Alguns acollidors ofereixen refugi, altres hostils o esgarrifosos. Una amiga meva llunyana diu que els arbres recullen les meves cançons i que ella em pot sentir cantar, podria ser així? Que connectats estem nosaltres i els arbres?
Al maig: "Sóc de la gent del bosc" es fa ressò
"Sóc de la gent del bosc"
Més fort, inflor
"Som de la gent del bosc"
Ara sento el batec del cor
Hi havia un home que em va dir que els arbres eren els llibres originals
I la seva saviesa no necessitava cap traducció en brut des de la font
Són els guardians originals del lloc.
Al maig: La bella dorment diu: em vigilava mentre somiava.
Al maig: *ells
Maija diu que hi ha somnis en què el foc és com la lava en un turó i hi ha somnis en què hi ha una piscina de lava a sota de l'arbre.. Hi ha somnis on l’arbre és el portal i hi ha somnis on el llac és tota sang. Hi ha somnis on hi ha sequera i somnis on hi ha aigua dolça. En un, l’arbre és la bruja. Un altre em converteixo en l'arbre. De vegades em cauen les plagues i no sé si això és un equilibri o un final. De vegades, la lava és viva i agafa els dits de Sedna. De vegades em pregunto on han anat els fae. De dia els ocells vénen a sentir-me cantar.
Al maig: (Aquesta vegada anem a fer àudio amb zoom perquè puguem llegir les nostres parts en directe sense editar-les per torns)
Al maig: (bona nit x)
Sarah Misselbrook: (Bon dia x)
Sarah diu: la figuera que es va tallar al correu que em vas enviar… Hi ha esperança, He estat testimoni de les figueres delmades pel foc, ja sigui salvatge o controlat, i dins 1 o 2 anys, l'arbre comença a rebrotar. Si no està desarrelat, Hi ha esperança. Tornaré a visitar el lloc on l’incendi forestal va cremar una gran quantitat d’hectàrees a prop d’aquí a l’octubre, que passarà un any des que es va crear una instal·lació i actuacions d’allà.. Gravaré el que ha començat a créixer de nou al cap d’un any. La figuera i l’olivera ens poden mostrar com es comença a restaurar.
[18/08/2020, 20:57:26] Al maig: Diu Maija:
la renovació i el renaixement ve després de l'antídot al nostre esforç ressecat
on es normalitza aquesta desconnexió
de la saba i el fruit la terra i el cor l'aigua i el vent tot fent-me ressò
ens fem eco
Sí, potser només ho estic atrapant ara
un fragment de la teva enunciació
Ho vas cridar a la vall que vas fer, dalt de la roca:
el genoll de les vídues,
la taula dels gegants
l'altiplà dels ballarins del cel.
Sé que sí que em vaig asseure a la cadira d'una sala de conferències enfosquida i vaig veure que et tornava a arribar
em pots escoltar
Sí, per descomptat, enviats i rebuts
Però ara el cor tremola
Un veritable xiuxiueig
L'eco eco
Quina formació de terra
Quin ésser orgànic
Parla així al cor
Els ressons d'exhoes
No rebotar les superfícies
No és per lliscar un ball solitari per passadissos hostils
Però per ressonar
Amb un calfred texturat
Un pírcing emotiu
Un missatge tendre
Aquest dolor no és només el meu
[18/08/2020, 20:58:01] Al maig: Error ortogràfic *entregat
[18/08/2020, 20:58:39] Al maig: Ooooh
[18/08/2020, 20:58:47] Al maig: (Estima aquesta màgia)
[18/08/2020, 21:29:06] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
El retorn a la roca
M'està cridant en això
La foscor
Un escenari sense il·luminar fins
La lluna plena com a guia
Projecció d'ombres de
El negatiu jo
La nit ofereix una brisa més fresca per moure aquest cos
Amunt, cap al bosc
Sec, ossos dolorosos
Encara, per ara
Quan arriba setembre
Respondré a la seva trucada
Fins llavors
Enganxat a les ombres
Per escapar del sol de l'estiu
Per oliar els genolls nudosos
I després marxa al ritme del meu cor
Ecos… ressons…
en la foscor
Amb només la crida d'aparellament dels gripaus per companyia
Les ombres de les oliveres mostren el camí
[18/08/2020, 21:35:20] Al maig: (m)
Va reclamar els genolls!
Va reclamar els genolls!
Un susserrarion xiuxiueja a través del capvespre
Artesania alècmica
La natura ens mostra el camí
[18/08/2020, 22:25:43] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
És com si a través d'algun portal d'aquesta pedra natural de les valls
Doneu testimoni
A aquest cos actuant
Amb la teva referència a aquests genolls nudosos
I els peus coberts de líquens
Nus i revestits d'argila
La pell s'enfosqueix i s'asseca amb cada dia
Aquesta batuta
[18/08/2020, 23:15:33] Al maig: Et converteixes en la terra?
o la terra es converteix en tu??
Do you begin to speak of each other’s rhythms
Mirroring each other like a lovers kiss
in the lake of dreams?
who is the witness?
the action is gathered unto the moment
do you surrender to it and to nature in the listening?
o la terra i la natura es lliuren a vosaltres mateixos??
La seva cendra, El seu sol va madurar,
it’s lichen lace and bark crumbs
Who is isolated ?
Caught in time
Cast in shiny whiteness
A pose of a former action
Like a ghost of the negative she
whomever they may be
Do you layer time this way inhabiting space with your former expression?
Or do the art objects become alive
less like ghosts and more
like vessels
for dialogue or memory,
material musings to dress and redress
with new layers of the onion
Do you cook with onions in your kitchen?
[18/08/2020, 23:26:31] Al maig: Diu Maija,
These onions
I mean
These questions are
Questions of myself,
Of you
I ask them
And they are are OUR questions,
my questions of you
i ask of myself
and the answers arrive
in your voice
Echoes echoes
Not a copy like a record
But a unique carbon echo
Material matters
Willing themselves into
for you and I and us and them without borders suddenly in this dialogue
A mystical place almost with natural laws of its own
A lived process where the performance is not a show so much as a function of the answer answering previously un-uttered questions
Not to uttered questions for
Within the action is the feltination
(Acabo d'inventar aquesta paraula)
Like sensation but it’s not a sensing info of a sense of to understand
More a feeling of, touching like the words and questions mark the earth and rock and heart and limb
These marks on bodies
Consensual negotiation
Less give and take
More offering and selection
These marks on bodies
Invisible art!?!
Adorning the process with the story of the action
Performed in life
[18/08/2020, 23:27:54] Al maig: (Typo * not to be uttered questions for within the action is…)
[18/08/2020, 23:28:17] Al maig: Sensing info is supposed to be sensing into
[18/08/2020, 23:29:03] Al maig: Ill read it to u in the morning, Goodnight x
[19/08/2020, 08:28:50] Al maig: Repost:
Diu Maija,
These onions
I mean
These questions are
Questions of myself,
Of you
Els pregunto,
I són les NOSTRES preguntes.
Les meves preguntes sobre vosaltres, i ask of myself
and the answers arrive
in your voice
Echoes echoes
Not a copy like a record
But a unique carbon echo
Material matters
Willing themselves into
for you and I and us and them without borders suddenly in this dialogue
A mystical place almost with natural laws of its own
A lived process where the performance is not a show so much as a function of the answer
answering previously un-uttered questions
Not to be uttered questions for
Within the action is the feltination
(Acabo d'inventar aquesta paraula)
Like sensation but it’s not a sensing into or “a sense of” to understand
More a feeling of, touching
like the words and questions mark the earth and rock and heart and limb
These marks on bodies
Consensual negotiation
Less give and take
More offering and selection
These marks on bodies
Invisible art!?!
Adorning the process with the story of the action
Performed in life
[19/08/2020, 08:29:18] Al maig: audio omitted
[19/08/2020, 08:30:05] Al maig: audio omitted
[19/08/2020, 08:31:15] Al maig: audio omitted
[19/08/2020, 08:33:28] Al maig: * marks phrase is a reference to Karen Barad
[19/08/2020, 11:05:33] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
My hands
my feet
my body
Are no longer mine
Cast, to become
A negative me
Temporarily restricted
Then freed into the world
A shadow cast in pure, guix blanc – still and peaceful
An offering
of time
To nature
An utterance
A musical note
Of pleasure and pain
Death masks
Of a life connected
Hands and feet touch every inch of this land
Leaving their mark
A spiritual or religious offering
To place
And shared space
No longer mine
But ours
[19/08/2020, 22:06:51] Al maig: Diu Maija: the constriction of the negative she curled whitely on the floor secured by a metal spine echoed my own constriction
Past present and empathetic
It was Like looking at my insides on the Stone floor
Not the organs and bones but the emotional landscape and energy floes like ice floes and riverbeds sunwheels and knitted baskets of memory clogging the stream
I learned one thing though
Feltination can forecast the beyond other me before it is experienced and press on
Like a North Star
Guiding my quest
[20/08/2020, 07:47:46] Al maig: Good morning, I hope my unspooling thoughts continue to make sense henceforth!
[20/08/2020, 09:54:23] Sarah Misselbrook: 😂👍
[20/08/2020, 10:00:19] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu: "Paisatge emocional" – sí…
as if experiencing the work like braille
Navigating over the sculptural surface
The white cast sits within another emotional landscape with its own history, its own story
A medieval vault
An underground crypt
Cobbled stone floor
Dust ridden surfaces
Presenting purity in contrast
A juxtaposition of the visual
Hard against soft
Pure against tainted
Skeletal against fleshy
[20/08/2020, 11:09:34] Al maig: Diu Maija: For me
it took on the modern fairytale quality,
It’s underground secret body
echoing the underneath-inner of Rapunzles tower, on va començar aquesta conversa. Va dir Rapunzle… “Em vaig rapar el cap perquè…”I em vau fer ressò d’una altra capa d’una altra capa. Aquestes capes de mi d'espai d'habitacions…
[20/08/2020, 11:10:20] Al maig: ((I will ask about contrasts in the interview))
[20/08/2020, 11:21:02] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
Sense pèl ho farà, per sempre, romandrà sota terra.
Un crit més proper a la terra.
Amb capes de prescripció posades sobre ella.
Estalvi personal.
El seu propi guerrer.
Profund. Profund.
[20/08/2020, 11:21:12] Sarah Misselbrook: Meravellós!
[21/08/2020, 08:17:06] Al maig: (Matí, that feels complete, maybe time to start a new thread?)
[21/08/2020, 08:18:25] Al maig: ❤️🙏❤️✨❤️✨
[21/08/2020, 08:20:26] Al maig: ❤️🌟❤️🌟
[21/08/2020, 08:28:56] Al maig: Diu Maija: I am thinking about
“Prescription or not”
Wondering about the felt sense of
This word which comes up again and again
To prescribe
To adopt
To prescribe
To rebel
To prescribe
To delineate
Scribe lined
grooved marked
Pre planned script
Whose script is this
Awareness blooming
Inside the body
We take it in dont we
Inside under the skin
As you say
Into the flesh
And cry it out on rivers
In flow
Flowing with process
Creative / destructive
Exploring and questing
Refining, distilling and stirring
Extracting so we can see it
On the outside
Artifacts of process
More and more I feel like
The art object is not the art but the catalyst for
The relic of consummation
Or integration
Or an manner of things
Body to body
My material musings
The whisper of the land
Beaconing me
Seriously though
Whose prescription is this
That is is the question
Do I have freedom of movement
Is this MY creation?
Do I have a choice
And in that choice what do
I wish to create with you
With this
With the material
Of alive matters?
[21/08/2020, 08:35:35] Al maig: This message was deleted.
[21/08/2020, 08:37:20] Al maig: Diu Rapunzle:
els meus cabells tornen a créixer i aquesta vegada són meus:
tendriling up from the not so silent earth
Like vigorous vine
like fire threaded, sunwarmed wheat
I have made a break
from ‘your’ prescriptions
I have taken time
alone and shaven
to rewrite my dreams and
the energy stirs like
renewal of the fruiting tree
pushing up from the wasteland
alerting us to the secret fertility
hidden in the pause
[21/08/2020, 12:34:22] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
your words enrich
the process
Enrich the book
as object
To consume
Non prescribed responses
To the artwork
It is no longer mine
Liberated by the additions of others
The sharing and collaborative approach
The book
printed from the forest
Another offering
Back to the forest
[21/08/2020, 13:10:08] Al maig: 🖤
[21/08/2020, 13:11:02] Al maig: Making visible the exchange
The intra-action
The co-creative dialogue
Of meeting elements
[21/08/2020, 19:36:38] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
Isn’t it wonderful
This life
Is this life?
Catalunya to reverse lockdown easing
News today
Devastating for local businesses
One world
We are all connected
Caring for you and all
I am here
Socially distant
I will remain
But forever connected
Across oceans
At one with it all
For some reason
Such affirmation in this quest
Beauty everywhere
I feel it all
So deeply
The beginning
[21/08/2020, 19:37:01] Al maig: 💛
[21/08/2020, 19:49:41] Al maig: Ziegeist non grata
The forbidden spirit of the times
Is THE called for balm
To heal the wounds of this world built and prescribed
By limited minds.
Faig riure i llanço les extremitats com un bebè que cau, impactat per la sacsejada dels ulls amples d’alguna cosa nova
– On són les fronteres d’això? – Asks the body
As we tumble joyously down the river of wordwrapped performativity
Living life.
Afirmant que sí, aquest fet natural orgànic.
It is
Warming to connect
And realise the work of the mystery
so effortlessly…
Affirming because “they” said lockdown was so isolating
And I was confused being so connected and so isolated
This is my normal life
Far flung from kin and other ordinary things.
Learning this is ok
My way
Learning to balance the invisible incredible with the tangible timing
Trusting that this way is
Useful in the process
And this process so important
Connecting each of us on
Though land and life
Through work and body
Through thought and dream
Through action and
[21/08/2020, 19:52:20] Al maig: audio omitted
[21/08/2020, 19:52:53] Al maig: audio omitted
[21/08/2020, 19:53:29] Al maig: audio omitted
[21/08/2020, 19:53:40] Al maig: audio omitted
[21/08/2020, 19:53:51] Al maig: audio omitted
[21/08/2020, 19:54:22] Al maig: audio omitted
[21/08/2020, 20:44:15] Sarah Misselbrook: (Wonderful to hear it read aloud) a more personal rhythm, as you intended.
[22/08/2020, 08:27:48] Al maig: (Morning x
Im trying to find where we discussed the interview – did we agree a time?)
[22/08/2020, 09:41:01] Sarah Misselbrook: (Matí. X You mentioned that you’d need to confirm by Friday about Saturday!)
[22/08/2020, 11:02:33] Al maig: Oh
[22/08/2020, 11:02:57] Al maig: Well today is good if we can find a time
[22/08/2020, 11:03:44] Al maig: Afternoon 2pm or Evening 7pm for example
[22/08/2020, 11:06:46] Al maig: Those times in BST
Later in the day gives me more time to finish preparing the questions tho
[22/08/2020, 11:37:24] Sarah Misselbrook: Meravellós. 7pm your time is good for me. Although could do tomorrow morning if you prefer? Let me know.
[22/08/2020, 11:38:26] Al maig: Tonight sounds good
[22/08/2020, 11:39:15] Sarah Misselbrook: Lovely. Should I see the questions beforehand? Or just go for it?
[22/08/2020, 11:39:56] Sarah Misselbrook: Oh and how? My connection is not perfect. But could try a video call on WhatsApp?
[22/08/2020, 11:40:51] Al maig: If I send u a zoom link I can record the audio for you.
[22/08/2020, 11:40:53] Al maig: ?
[22/08/2020, 11:41:27] Sarah Misselbrook: Ah, I don’t have zoom. But I’ll download it this afternoon. Will confirm.
[22/08/2020, 11:41:29] Sarah Misselbrook: !
[22/08/2020, 11:41:59] Al maig: I don’t think you NEED to see the questions but I will send them when I’ve typed them up 🙂
[22/08/2020, 11:42:22] Al maig: 🤣
[22/08/2020, 11:42:36] Sarah Misselbrook: No rush. Don’t worry if not. I enjoy the not knowing!
[22/08/2020, 12:16:35] Sarah Misselbrook: Ok I think I’m there with Zoom!
[22/08/2020, 12:54:06] Al maig: It’s pretty easy
[22/08/2020, 12:54:20] Al maig: I’ll send u a link to click beforehand
[22/08/2020, 12:56:41] Sarah Misselbrook: 👍🙏
[22/08/2020, 15:15:25] Al maig: Un roser em va agafar diumenge passat, atrapat per una espina que m’agafa suaument l’orella, encara em va aturar pel puny de l’orell.
Aquesta tarda, després d’agafar tomàquets petits i madurs del meu assolellat jardí, em preparo a retrobar-me, cara a cara, veu a veu, quin xoc serà! Quin ordre tan interessant de conèixer.
I have been thinking about how nature is mz co-collaborator.
[22/08/2020, 15:15:34] Al maig: *my
[22/08/2020, 15:21:23] Sarah Misselbrook: Per "retrobar-me" – adoro aixó! Els dos habitarem, en temps real, l’espai digital entre nosaltres. Que té, fins ara, ha estat un testimoni de conversa, amb l’espai per pensar, potser massa! Es produeix una trobada més «natural» o «normal», amb interrupció humana, tartamudeig i retard. Porteu-lo endavant!
[22/08/2020, 15:21:51] Sarah Misselbrook: (Sorry to hear about your ear 👂)
[22/08/2020, 15:51:14] Al maig: It’s ok it didn’t hurt, the rose let me go as soon as I started laughing
[22/08/2020, 15:51:58] Al maig: 😁
[22/08/2020, 17:04:45] Al maig: I want to play a new game called observation and response. It will be our „QuickFire“ round.
To play, Please bring 2-3 observations about your work or practice phrased as single sentance statements. Don’t think about it too much, I’ve made some observations too.
[22/08/2020, 17:05:00] Al maig: (For the interview i mean)
[22/08/2020, 17:06:42] Sarah Misselbrook: 👍👍😊
[22/08/2020, 17:08:23] Sarah Misselbrook: Done!!
[22/08/2020, 17:08:51] Al maig: Wow book making had made u quick!
[22/08/2020, 17:08:54] Al maig: Has
[22/08/2020, 17:09:08] Sarah Misselbrook: 😂 totally in that mindset!!
[22/08/2020, 17:09:15] Al maig: Brill
[22/08/2020, 17:16:31] Al maig: Do u wish to dress up dress down or dress crazy nature lady to get in the zone for later?
[22/08/2020, 17:54:16] Sarah Misselbrook: 😂 going to have to see how hot it is by 7pm!! Off for a quick dip in the pool to cool the core, presently 37 degrees in the shade!!!!
[22/08/2020, 18:18:55] Al maig: Wow good call, lucky u have access to a pool of some sort!
[22/08/2020, 19:57:32] Al maig:
[22/08/2020, 19:59:46] Al maig: password 275220
[22/08/2020, 20:00:09] Sarah Misselbrook: 👍
[22/08/2020, 20:00:47] Al maig: if needed:
Meeting ID: 895 7010 4673
[22/08/2020, 20:04:13] Al maig: so what time is it there? it’s 7pm here
[22/08/2020, 20:04:24] Sarah Misselbrook: Sorry computer slow! Getting there… 8pm here!
[22/08/2020, 20:06:25] Al maig: hehe
[22/08/2020, 22:09:05] Al maig: Replay: Password: 2u&DKcUQ
I am downloading it to enable me to send it to you or edit it but I thought you might like a peek at this temporary sharing link
[22/08/2020, 22:09:18] Al maig: 🥰
[22/08/2020, 22:28:33] Sarah Misselbrook: 👍🙏😘
[22/08/2020, 22:52:28] Sarah Misselbrook: Hi Maija, is there a password to access the recording?
[22/08/2020, 22:52:51] Sarah Misselbrook: Thanks again for a wonderful interview. Very probing, I loved it!
[22/08/2020, 23:37:27] Al maig: Yes the pass word is 2u&DKcUQ
[22/08/2020, 23:41:42] Sarah Misselbrook: Thanks x
[23/08/2020, 11:50:36] Sarah Misselbrook: Gràcies, the link and password work fine. Looking forward to listening back. Yes please, when you have time I would love a file in order to be able to edit etc for the website. I’m going to listen to the replay this evening and I’ll let you know if I have anything to add! Encara, I think we managed to cover quite a lot of ground! S
[23/08/2020, 12:51:55] Al maig: File sent! By wetransfer
[23/08/2020, 12:52:37] Sarah Misselbrook: Great!
[23/08/2020, 15:44:42] Sarah Misselbrook: I’ve just watched the interview. Simplement meravellós. Brain orgasms? wisdom? So fruitful. X
[23/08/2020, 15:54:58] Sarah Misselbrook: I’ve also just noticed in the book… where I’ve allocated the Foreword, you are more than welcome to ‘spill’ over onto the following page!!!!
[23/08/2020, 15:55:53] Al maig: 🥰
[24/08/2020, 12:57:48] Al maig: Maija says
I am sitting here
With a grasshopper on my palm wondering what they eat and why they are determined to hang out in my kitchen this year
They are so large
how have I not seen one ever before
[24/08/2020, 13:32:34] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
Hi ha un significat o un cert simbolisme a un insecte que aterra a la palma?
I’m sure there is if it’s a butterfly
Something in you attracts fellow creatures
To connect physically
And feel safe to do so
Our hands and feet are the parts of us that physically experience this world
[24/08/2020, 17:08:06] Al maig: Jo en vaig estar segur el dia que vaig deixar que una abella es posés a la cara. Em preguntava de quin color podia brillar. Haha
[24/08/2020, 22:15:07] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
Realising another duality or contrast
Not only flesh against bone
Hard against soft
Dark against light
But also
Masculine against feminine
Within the same body
The one person
Self and other
Another ebb and flow
Of being
[24/08/2020, 22:17:35] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
The space between
That is the far more intriguing negative me
That’s where the beauty lies
I have laughed
And cried
I have cracked
My skin
That is where the story is
[24/08/2020, 23:07:57] Al maig: (This is a delight
Fucking hilarious
and I have no idea why
Love love love!)
De vegades, les paraules tenen textures tan boniques!
Crack and wrinkle
The sounds they make
another contrast
[24/08/2020, 23:08:18] Al maig: (That was a reply to the second one)
[24/08/2020, 23:24:07] Al maig: Fire and water
Never the twain should meet
“I’d rather drown in someone else’s waters”
(Foc a Aigua 2016)
Two contrasting balancing processes
Archetypal qualities and functions balanced on the wheel of creativity
Merging in the centre of the whirl
Where all is calm and whole
How many times do we need to be burnt out and exhausted trying to live the icon the so called perfection
the godform
the raw material of creative matter-ing
Expressing itself through form and function
And we, gent,
holding on to long to the ecstasy of “I am” this
for that’s what identification is
Holding on
Forgetting we are human
Forgetting we are LIFE IN MOTION
exploring/imploding perfectly-imperfect paradoxically
Beginning and ending
Masculine and feminine
Without the structure there is no birth
Without the chaos there is no seeds
Without the nurture
There is no respect
And love is empty
Clinging to mishapen promises of fealty to an hidden king.
But then the snakes come
And the spiders weave
And the big cats stalk
And the bat feels the tremors
And the bees bewizzle
And the fig tree drops its fruit into your palm
Plump and new
[24/08/2020, 23:28:49] Al maig: Back when I had me myself and I to talk to:
[25/08/2020, 15:06:56] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
‘Be real or fuck off’*
Has to be the way to end this
Whatever ‘this’ is
I feel real
As real as the fig fruit
The olive trunk
I will take up that space
A place in this world
As part of nature’s web
No longer an
‘inconvenient passenger’*
I have broken through the cage
Come with me
For this is it
‘Be real or fuck off’
*(Maija Leipins, Foc a Aigua).
[25/08/2020, 15:26:50] Al maig: Reverbrations
Remembering now
The phrase arising
In memory connected
to multiple points
I thought you were
quoting my torrent from last
same thing I suppose
Seeking that ecosystem
The restorative organic
mutually nurturing pool of
lilypad dreams.
How bizarre is that
It strikes me as bizarre
until it makes sense, I like that
sense of surprise life gives
when the landscape opens up to you
and you discover something
‘Sigues real o falla’
time to wear that dress
not drown in the sticky white chocolate
of the too good, al tacte dolç més lleuger.
[25/08/2020, 18:02:16] Sarah Misselbrook: (I’m currently putting together the page on my site to ‘house’ our conversational poetry and the interview with code in the book to link through to, so I’ll be exporting this thread this week). Thanks Maija, anything else you need from me just shout! S x
[25/08/2020, 18:45:32] Sarah Misselbrook: (That’s not to say we shouldn’t/can’t continue… of course!!)
[25/08/2020, 18:49:11] Al maig: sí, lets not stop 😀
[26/08/2020, 18:11:52] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
The reflective process
Of transcribing
The ebb and flow
Of conversation
And connection
With you
Our voices
Difference and sameness
Shared laughter
Further questioning
Pertinent insights
Deep probing
More and more and more
Striving for answers
That pose more and more questions
The space between our articulations
Um… és… potser… Suposo… M'agrada… saps…
Sí, sí!
I know what you mean
Just wonderful.
[27/08/2020, 16:18:25] Sarah Misselbrook: (Transcription of interview complete)
[27/08/2020, 17:16:20] Al maig: Yay well done!!
[27/08/2020, 19:47:56] Al maig: Our laughter is so cute 😅
[27/08/2020, 20:04:53] Sarah Misselbrook: 😂
[27/08/2020, 20:20:24] Al maig: It rained here today
Hard and long with rumbles and flashes of storm
At the end of a long and anxious day in which my sons
Apprehension had him
Leap at the chance to go for a drive and we went and just went
It was good to be on the move
Exploring the forest of a rainy Sunday town of geese and supermarkets
Flowing river and carparks just for the sake of leaving and coming back
I packed a thermos of got chocolate and we drank it in the car
Interns water level subsided
Storm wracked the sky
Even had to go without internet for a while
[27/08/2020, 20:20:43] Al maig: *hot
[27/08/2020, 20:20:51] Al maig: *internal
[31/08/2020, 09:41:51] Al maig: Maija says
The reflective process
The notation
The Pause.
Permission to flow
Remembered renewed
Revived. Aqui estic
[31/08/2020, 11:17:50] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
Storms collide
Rainfall comes to nothing
Still waiting
Temperature plummets
Body revived
Clarity of thought
Anxiety subsides
Forest fire alerts calm
Fresh breeze
Atop the roof
Preparing for rain harvesting
When it comes
Writing to reach you
On the radio
I can reach you
I am here
[31/08/2020, 14:26:39] Al maig: Me too
A chill undertone
Refreshing my lungs
With coolness as a new chapter unfolds itself with
fingers of autumnal cold and the breath of a frosted wind.
A frenzy of pruning ensued in the last warm sun as I cut back the undergrowth that has
Burst under my nose
Becoming overgrowth
Like my hair split ended
Or the dust spilling from neglected corners
A new motion begins
The outward tumble of
Flaring leaves will be visible soon as the inward pull tethers us to the home hearth from which we scatter like crisp leaves laughing over the rocks
I tired to make a circle out of hawthorn and instead it looks like an egg
Did you know I was an autumn baby?
[02/09/2020, 12:58:34] Al maig: Maija says
Writing to reach you
From one land to another
Wind between us
Sea between us
Forest connects us
Sunlight reflecting off the moons face
New dreams flutter like fish
Old memories fade like
Withering leaves
Energies gestating
Let the new breath be for a new creation
Tasting autumn fruits for
Winters rest
[02/09/2020, 13:20:29] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
Autumn babies
Another connection between us
Bridging gaps
Akin to the book
An autumnal baby
Fruits of the content
Full moon beckons
Walk to the forest
And connect
D.o.b 05/10/1977
[02/09/2020, 18:03:59] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
Beginning again
To breathe this fresh air
Is to renew my body from within
This body moves materials
pushing and pulling
but inevitably showing me where they want to go
The clay has a life of its own
From the soil, it has a soul
Sculpting, manipulating
Flesh like clay
Plaster pouring into crevices taking up the space between
The positive and negative forms
Leaves fall as source material
Clay hardens
Plaster cracks
Everything is a shadow of its former self
From the fleshy, foscor del motlle negatiu ("El negatiu molt més intrigant"?)
Ve de color blanc, clínica positiva, fràgil fins al final…
[02/09/2020, 18:19:40] Al maig: Diu Maija:
Beginning again
To breathe with this heartbeat
Is to steady myself amidst
The flurry of colours on the
Turning wheel.
[03/09/2020, 10:59:48] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
Identifying with the turning wheel
Testing patience
Leg shaking
Unusual bodily stillness
Nervous energy
in sync?
Natural rhythms of blood pumping
A tool, an extension of self
[23:09, 9/5/2020] Al maig: Maija says
Testing patience
There is a cacophony of fast pressing industry driving the pace forward by degrees of charm and alarm
But the wren in the tree goes tweet tweet
And the sunlight flares and fades slowly like the spent leaves glow with the colour of summer sun this season
Sink into the grass with me and count the beetles bugs and flowers with your attention
Noticing again the pauses in between the asking and the answers
[14:41, 9/6/2020] Al maig: The tweeting wren
[18:20, 9/7/2020] Sarah Misselbrook: Rhythm and rhyme
Pace and time
Yours and mine,
The year flies
Like the butterflies
Noticing gaining losing
Tweeting whispering choosing,
To be here now
To be present somehow,
Thoughts of the moment
Of some kind of atonement,
For all this effect
And how we affect
The ugliness and the beauty
It is our duty,
To ask for forgiveness for being us
To ask for all living things to regain their trust,
I want to say sorry over and over again
As if something will listen and drive me through the pain,
Of being in and of a body
Of being in and of a body.
[16:50, 9/8/2020] Al maig: Figs!? Is it a sign? 🙂
[17:29, 9/8/2020] Sarah Misselbrook: Oh they look lovely. Where are they? I’ve just eaten the last few from the tree here with local honey and walnuts…
[17:38, 9/8/2020] Al maig: Right by the road where I am to park to pick Rufus up from school every day
[21:27, 9/8/2020] Al maig: Maija ofereix una obra audaç:
Rhythm and rhyme
A pace, a thyme
Yours and mine,
A truer chime
The year flies by
We become like butterflies
Noticing gaining losing
Claiming whispering choosing, t’whit-t’who
To be here now
And now
And now
To be present somehow,
Pensaments del moment
(Sóc del moment)
D’alguna mena d’expiació,
Tone deaf
Toned by effort
For all this effect
And how we affect
The ugliness and the beauty
We are ugly in our beautiful
Or is it the other way around?
The beauty in the everything beauty is life living itself
It is our duty,
To ask for forgiveness for being us
So they said
And the plants whisper
Forgive yourself
Trust yourself
To ask for all living things
Show me how to love you better how to regain my power to act in bal…
[19:43, 9/13/2020] Al maig: Diu Maija: how is Sarah?
[09:12, 9/14/2020] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu: Meravellós. Although predictive text wanted to write ‘wobbly’! Perhaps I am a little wobbly, as I have been perched on a second story platform of scaffolding this weekend. Up in the trees, with the birds filling my ears. Gràcies, how is Maija?
[08:05, 9/20/2020] Al maig: I haven’t forgot to you!
[09:17, 9/20/2020] Sarah Misselbrook: 😊 thank you for sending the playlists through. S
[13:22, 9/20/2020] Al maig: (looking at one of Sarah’s photographs)
Al maig, says:
Ritual traces in the sands of my desert heart
remembering the body
re-member-ing the body
in all its fleshy sweetness
learning to select that which provides
moisture, nutrients, chemical reactions
fizzing dripping shifting
life is stirring in the wastelands
the alchemist has found her
combination and the conditions that allow
a transformation.
This here altar
This portal
This encounter with the shape of my
unfolding is the way marker
An echo of the deeper wish, the action and re-action
Who is echoing who?
Ella, Ell, Em, Nature and her elements
“dancing with the inevitable”
[14:18, 9/20/2020] Al maig: Diu Maija:
Estic llegint i escrivint, absorbint, digerint i estimant l’experiència de dialogar amb vosaltres mitjançant paraules i imatges. Everything is not a reflection
but a resonant diffraction,
Un entrellaçament mutu amb el bosc,
les preguntes, the life living itself
And there is so much “food” here
This book of yours feels like a beginning
I am trying to focus but I keep getting too enraptured
(Al maig: burla de desmais)
[14:18, 9/20/2020] Al maig: Girant en múltiples direccions delicioses
[14:20, 9/20/2020] Al maig: Hi ha molta energia en la matèria!
[14:29, 9/20/2020] Sarah Misselbrook: Sarah diu:
How privileged I am
To know you
How privileged ‘they’ are, to be reading your words soon
On tenterhooks with energy
And yes, the start of something
So powerful
Not the end
Just a pause
No answers
Only further questions
Which adds to this energy
Bubbling up and boiling over
The surface
I am with you in words and in images
These viscous images and fleshy words
Renewed by your engagement
I am here listening
Shivering with excitement
To share with all
To converse with you is an outlet for something I never knew was possible
Hairs on end as I digest
Catching the faint Maija as she offers up to the process
Something invaluable
[14:30, 9/20/2020] Al maig: ❤️
[13:39, 9/21/2020] Al maig: The hazelnuts are dropping onto an autumnal body of soil and detritus
and they rattle in my palm clacking and comforting
As I send you “a thing” nervously trust in the process as best I can
And there is a beautiful striped spider in the garden
There are spiders spiders everywhere
[13:30, 9/22/2020] Sarah Misselbrook: The autumnal crisp is something I miss
That smell of rotting, compostatge fulles, alimentant la terra, laying dormant, per a futurs passos cap a la primavera cap endavant.
La meva situació difereix, amb calor contínua del sol de finals d’estiu, com si fos una segona primavera càlida, les verdures prosperen, ocells enlairats i abelles rusc.
El verd és el color tallat per les polsoses traces que porten els meus peus. La terra és fèrtil a mesura que el bròquil creix a la velocitat de… bròquil?