Llibertat per crear

Tot sembla estar fent molt més sentit per a mi. La necessitat urgent de crear reiterats incompliments a presentar amb la llibertat, temps i espai per fer treball com i quan I volen/cal. Ja no tinc temps la realització de treball al voltant d'altres coses, in fact I time everything else around making work now. It is giving me the chance to really explore creating work and I am constantly finding ways of visualising how I feel.

I am using materials I find around my here in Cyprus which include cactus spikes and leather and I am collecting everything that is dead and no longer considered beautiful.

In an attempt to create something beautifully appalling to reflect the fragility of life, our inevitable fate trying to question the importance of surface image, beauty and youth when all around and we are dying. This control over our image, our bodies, our politicised vessels keeps us from making changes that would make the world right.

And yet all I do is continue making work about it, is that enough? Will this make changes? Aren’t I simply posing questions rather than offering answers? Like this blog, questions. I don’t have the answer so the work reflects a/my situation and asks of you to change it or to simply think about it.

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