Des d'aquesta distància (transcripció)

Què puc fer des d'aquesta distància?
Per canviar de local, nacional, global
Per diferenciar-se, dissentir
Quin és aquest espai en què em trobo??
Art, artista, públic,
Ho encarno tot

Shedding my skin
Burnt charred coal
Moss and loss
Stood at the point of it all
Tossed, compost
My leaves have left me
Body touched, spoiled surface
Fluid folds, fleshy moulds
Bitten and chewed
Part of a whole
A hole in part
I stand apart.

What can you do from this distance?
To improve over, in and under,
To make better, to heal
What is this space in which you stand?
Art, artista, públic,
You embody all
A gift to the soil
A gift for the soul
Grown and faced
Stood at the point of impact
Proposed, enclosed
Your leaves have left you
Wrap yourself in soil
Rough bark, spoiled surface
Wrinkle and rust
Part of a whole
A hole in part
You stand apart.

What can she do from this distance?
To disrupt soil, superfície, system
To affect, to create a ripple effect
What is this space in which she stands?
Art, artist and audience,
She embodies all
Stones and sticks
Moths and ticks
Thrown and placed
Piled at the point of entry
Enthroned, attoned
Leaves have left her
Dry trunks have sunk into soil
Skin puckered, dry and lifeless
Drought and dust
Part of a whole
A hole in part
She stands apart.

Què puc fer des d'aquesta distància?
To alter here, there, over there,
To make sense, to repent
Quin és aquest espai en què em trobo??
Art, artista, públic,
Ho encarno tot
Devouring my flesh
Decay takes hold
Legs and loins
What is the point of it all?
Consumed, exhumed
My leaves have left me
Weightless limbs, shedding skin
Bones hold, lichen and mould
Parasites and mites
Part of a whole
A hole in part
I stand apart.

What can you do from this distance?
To make good then, here and now,
To revive, to restore
What is this space in which you stand?
Art, artista, públic,
You embody all
Sculpt and sustain
Reroute and retain
Save and sound
Weightless in its effect
Drained, prayed
Your leaves have left you
Shelter from the rain
Flash flood, cleaning blood
Cracks and crevices
Part of a whole
A hole in part
You stand apart.

What can she do from this distance?
To burn, ruin and rescue
To reverse the effect, to replenish
What is this space in which she stands?
Art, artist and audience,
She embodies all
Skulls and zips
Hands and hips
Found and poured
Traced to the spike in the centre
Encircled, sheltered
Leaves have left her
Impressions live on the shell
Cast in plaster, a bodily echo
Actions and reactions
Part of a whole
A hole in part
She stands apart.

(Above: full transcript of text written by the artist and used as audio recording in ‘From this Distancevideo below).

Aquestes paraules, written by the artist, embody their practice in the isolated environment of The Valley, Catalunya. L'artista convidat 24 altres persones per gravar les seves veus i enviar-les digitalment des d'arreu del món. Misselbrook els ha editat junts per formar un collage sonor en capes sobre imatges del riu Ebre i formigues a The Valley..

Amb un agraïment especial a…
Veera Ranki (Finlàndia)
És a dir, per a Savile (Regne Unit)
Caroline Misselbrook (Regne Unit)
Abi Bright (Regne Unit)
Daryl Thornton (Regne Unit)
Maija Liepins (Austràlia)
Romina Cristi (Xile)
Anna Georghiou (Xipre)
Pietat Galindo (Espanya)
Clare Carter (Regne Unit)
Janine Wolters (Països Baixos)
Nina Pancheva (Bulgària)
Jayne Ede (Regne Unit)
Rusty Wilson (Regne Unit)
Mireia Simon (Catalunya)
Ellery Lloyd (Gal·les)
Naomi Pickett (Regne Unit)
Eileen Misselbrook (Regne Unit)
Stephanie Bauman (Alemanya)
Louise Butler (Regne Unit)
Alita Bustamante (Xile)
Jaclyn Bernadzikowski (EUA)
Mia Baumann (Alemanya)
Ria Breedveld (Països Baixos)

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