Estic molt emocionat de formar part d'aquest projecte, PERÒ – (Dones artistes rurals), amb un gran agraïment a Tectonica Cultural. Durant els propers dos mesos reflexionarem sobre la nostra pràctica creativa i identificarem necessitats. Treballarem de manera col·laborativa per inspirar i desenvolupar idees. Tinc moltes ganes de veure què passa pel camí.
Having lived and worked in rural Catalunya for a decade, my work has been affected by the natural environment, the changes and threats. This has enhanced the use of transient materials and the creation of a more sustainable pratice. It has also offered an external performance space to shout, play, rant, run, cry and scream. An insignificant body in this huge expanse of wild forest, I know my place.
The DAR project offers me a new network of female creatives to explore ideas, share information and skills, which is very exciting.
Click here to view the DAR project.